Due to a recent spike in vehicle-related crime incidents; we thought it well to share some safety tips with the Randburg Community. PHOTO: Sourced.

Due to a recent spike in vehicle-related crime incidents; we thought it well to share some safety tips with the Randburg Community.

We value your safety. You should too.

  1. Do not leave valuable items such as purses or laptops in view, especially on the passenger’s seat. Any valuable items should be placed in the boot.
  2. Always be cautious and aware of your surroundings when driving or getting out of your vehicle.
  3. Limit your evening driving when possible.
  4. Wait and look in your mirrors until your gate is closed. If something seems suspicious, rather drive away.
  5. Do not resist hijackers; leave all your material goods behind. Your life is more valuable.
  6. Be aware of the routes that you travel. Always look around at stop streets and red robots.
  7. If you feel you are being followed, rather drive to the nearest Police Station.

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